Operational Consulting

Once you have successfully started your small business, the key is survival.  Every day, thousands of new small businesses are started; but many also fail. Many new businesses, at first excited by the prospect of being self-employed, soon become disenchanted when they realize that even a small business requires tremendous effort, planning and hard work.  Managing ongoing operations correctly is a clear path to survival.  This will include the following key operational components:

Key Benefits

  • Monitoring capitalization and funds
  • Cost Cutting & Streamline Solutions
  • Financial and investment planning
  • Precisely calculating market potential
  • Effectively marketing towards your target customers 


MICOS Group Consulting Services will advise you with a wide range of operational solutions for finances, investing, ecommerce, marketing, cost savings, employees and so much more.

 Free Initial Teleconference Consultation



Call (770) 330-3789 for details

NOTICE: The information Provided by MICOS Group or our website is not intended or to be construed as legal advice. Although MICOS Group has extensive knowledge and experience, we are not a law firm; we are a financial, investment & legal referral company and do not give legal advice. Therefore we cannot be responsible for any damages or problems that result from any action taken by the use of the information herein.


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