Become Part of a
Social Media Community.
Social media helps
promote your site by sending direct traffic, producing links to your site, and
generating awareness. Web 2.0 social media allows social marketers to directly
engage their consumers in the creative process. In this paradigm, customers
become creators or co-creators with the agency or organization. The customers
are an active participant instead of a passive recipient. The customer is always
at the heart of the social marketing process and Web 2.0 social media
allows them to be at the heart of a very specific aspectthe promotional
strategy. We will include you in all the top social media websites
on the internet. Search engine spiders troll these sites looking for links to
something new and relevant. We can create a buzz around your business and the
biggest gain will come when other people mention you (which generates traffic to
your site), link to you (which increases your PageRank and brings traffic), or
bookmark you (which increases your PageRank and brings traffic.
Social Media Some Key Terms
Facebook Terms
Facebook Page
Facebook Pages are associated
with businesses and organizations. These used
to be called Fan
A fan is someone who joins a
Facebook Page by clicking the Like button for that page. They see updates from
that Facebook Page in their News Feed.
Facebook Profile
This is a personal Facebook
account. It is not recommended that you create a Facebook profile for your
The part of a Facebook Page or
Facebook profile where fans and friends, respectively, can
post messages for
anyone to see.
When Facebook users click the
Like button, they let their Facebook friends know they like
particular content,
and they give their friends an opportunity to read the content and click the
This is analogous to a
contact forwarding your companys email to friends.
Facebook users can begin a
conversation about a post by commenting on it.
Twitter Terms
In tweets, you often see Twitter
usernames preceded by @. Including this symbol creates a link to the users
profile on Twitter.
Twitter users can retweet a
message to forward it to all of their Twitter followers. Retweets begin with
A reply is a public response to
a tweet. The Twitter username of the recipient begins the reply.
Direct Message
Commonly known as a DM, a direct
message is a personal message sent to
someone. It requires
that both the sender and the recipient follow each other, and it is not
visible. The message
begins with a D and is followed by the username of the message recipient.
A mention occurs when a Twitter
user references your brand. Any tweet with your brands Twitter username is a
A follower is someone who
follows your brand on Twitter. Followers receive your tweets, so it is
important to grow your follower count.
Hashtags include text following
a #. Hashtags highlight keywords or topics in a tweet.
Twitter users often search by
hashtag to find all tweets related to a topic.
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intended or to be construed as legal advice. Although MICOS Group has
extensive knowledge and experience, we are not a law firm; we are a
financial, investment & legal referral company and do not give legal
advice. Therefore we cannot be responsible for any damages or problems
that result from any action taken by the use of the information herein.